1rt is a growth investor in the leading companies in the Digital Asset Ecosystem (DAE)

1RT and 10T by The Numbers

About Us

Distinctive Sector Focus

  • 1RT is a growth equity firm investing in the leading mid to late-stage companies building the digital asset ecosystem (DAE).
  • We don’t trade crypto or look to invest in venture-stage companies. Instead, we seek to invest in more mature companies with at least $40-$50m of revenue that have found technical and product market fit.
  • 1RT is a recognized thought leader in the DAE. We have strong relationships and dialogue with key management teams across the DAE, and are sought after to serve on the boards of many of our companies.
  • Our team’s proven leadership and advisory skills from the corporate world serve as a bridge from traditional finance to the DAE.

Leader in the DAE

Through three predecessor funds at 10T Holdings and the current 1RT fund, the 1RT team manages $1.5Bn across 24 active portfolio companies in blockchain / cryptocurrency / Web3 / digital assets over the past 4.5 years. Founded by renowned macro investor, Dan Tapiero, (Tiger, SAC, Duquesne), our senior partners combine technical knowledge, entrepreneurial experience, and corporate leadership skills to help companies grow across economic cycles. Holding board positions at over half of our companies, we drive strategic improvements and catalyze growth partnerships across our portfolio. 1RT invests in a diversified portfolio designed to minimize idiosyncratic risk and maximize our exposure to the growth of the DAE.

1RT DAE Opportunities Fund

Investment Approach


As the internet has changed how we interact with virtually all information, we believe that blockchain and cryptocurrency technologies will eventually change how we capture and interact with all things of value.


Our focus on later stage and more mature companies, often via preferred equity securities and with board representation, is designed to improve the overall risk/return of an investment in the growth of the DAE.

Value Add

Our focus on later stage and more mature companies, often via preferred equity securities and with board representation, is designed to improve the overall risk/return of an investment in the growth of the DAE.

1RT and 10T Track Record:

Active Investments in the 1RT / 10T Universe

1RT Portfolio Company

Our Team

Dan Tapiero

Dan Tapiero

Managing Partner, CEO & CIO
Eric Vincent

Eric Vincent

Partner & President
Michael Dubilier

Michael Dubilier

Partner & Vice Chairman
Tad Smith

Tad Smith

Randy Little

Randy Little

Joe Majocha

Joe Majocha

Partner & CFO
Heather Sabel

Heather Sabel

Head of Client Relations
Amy Liu

Amy Liu

Chanda Noble

Chanda Noble

Corporate Accounting & Operations Manager
Aditya Dave

Aditya Dave

Ken Moussavian

Ken Moussavian

Ben Liu

Ben Liu

Josh Siegler

Josh Siegler

Kai Furbeck

Kai Furbeck

Jack Krevitt

Jack Krevitt

Brittany Elise

Brittany Elise

Chief of Staff & Head of HR


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